Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Project For My Family: To Help Those Fighting Leukemia

It has been awhile since I put anything on my blog. I have sat at my computer a few times trying to write and the words just would not come. Even the last post I did for Pink Saturday I had to force myself to do. See, In April my Nana went home to be with the Lord, and I was out of state for about a month spending time with my family. I could have written while I was out of state but as I said before, the words just would not come. I wrote about my Nana back in March, here is a link if you would like to read it. My Nana was an amazing lady and I will miss her all my days and my children (one who just turned 17) are incredibly fortunate to have had their Great-Grandmother as a regular part of their life, oh how blessed we have been. I mentioned back in March that part of the legacy my Nana left was a legacy of hope, more specifically, hope for Glory. As a symbol of that hope, her family, almost 30 of us, wore bright yellow to her funeral, it was a sight to behold.

A while after we arrived home from being out of state and doing the funeral, my daughter asked me if there was anything we could do to help people who were fighting Leukemia, like Nana died from. My daughter is 13, she loves crafting and creating (gee I wonder where she gets that?), she loves planning and organizing, and she loves blogging (she has her own crafting blog here). So, here is what she came up with to honor Nana's memory: She started a ministry called "Ellen's Hope" and a blog for you all to follow the progress of her projects. She wants to do ongoing projects to help those fighting leukemia, but she wants the projects to be able to change. For example; right now, for her first project, she has a goal of putting together 50 gift baskets for Leukemia patients (25 for adults, 25 for children), to be delivered to the cancer floors of local hospitals. However, once that project is completed, she wants to have the flexibility to do something different, maybe a yard sale to send money for leukemia research, maybe a bake sale, etc. So, on her blog you can follow all of the details of what we are currently doing. I say "we" because "we", the whole family, are helping with these projects.

We will be adding to the "Ellen's Hope" blog regularly so please check back often. If you would like to participate in any way, please get in touch with us through the contact information either on this blog or the "Ellen's Hope" blog. If you would like to participate, we are currently looking for donations for the baskets. Attention crafters: This may be a great way to get your items into people's hands. We don't mind if your labels include your contact information.

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